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<P><SPAN ?yes?;? mso-spacerun: 宋體?;>辰豐元玻璃有限公司是日用品,工藝品,裝飾品有經驗制造廠商,制作工藝精湛,技術開發(fā)力量雄厚。產品包括:玻璃,塑膠,陶瓷,石材,拇指,各類材料俱全,品類繁多。設備主要有:鋼化爐,雙邊磨,圓邊機,直邊機,異形機,鉆孔機,清洗機等一系列配套設備。公司與全部供用貿易商有多年的合作基礎,產品緊跟全部潮流,不斷推出新品,精品。</SPAN><SPAN ?yes?;? mso-spacerun: 宋體?;></SPAN></P>
<P><SPAN ?yes?;? mso-spacerun: 宋體?;>公司坐落在,美麗的海濱旅游勝地--青島,這里不僅氣候宜人,景色爽目,風情淳樸,更是全部化大港口,工業(yè)基礎雄厚,玻璃產業(yè)集中,原料充沛,出口方便,成本低廉,是本公司較具競爭力。</SPAN><SPAN ?yes?;? mso-spacerun: 宋體?;></SPAN></P>
<P><SPAN ?yes?;? mso-spacerun: 宋體?;>辰豐元全體員工以真誠負責,嚴謹有效的工作作風為您提供滿意的產品和的服務,祝您生意興隆,財源茂盛!熱誠歡迎各方朋友登臨本公司網站,了解產品,洽談業(yè)務!</SPAN><SPAN ?yes?;? mso-spacerun: 宋體?;></SPAN></P>
<P><SPAN ?yes?;? mso-spacerun: 宋體?;>Qingdao CHINFY Co.,Ltd. Is a professional manufacturer of daily commodities, craftwork and decoration. The company has a technical team for new product introduction with exquisite workmanship in various materials such as glass, plastics,ceramics, stone and woods. Equipped with toughening furnace, doubble-edging, circular, straight-line,shape, drilling, cleaning machine and other corollary equipment.</SPAN><SPAN ?yes?;? mso-spacerun: 宋體?;></SPAN></P>
<P><SPAN ?yes?;? mso-spacerun: 宋體?;>CHINFY has kept good cooperative relations with many international traders for many years and has constantly developed products to the global trend.</SPAN><SPAN ?yes?;? mso-spacerun: 宋體?;></SPAN></P>
<P><SPAN ?yes?;? mso-spacerun: 宋體?;>The company is located in costal tourist city of Qingdao. With comfortable climate, beautiful sceneries Friendly atmosphere. Which help to make the business ever more prosperous.</SPAN><SPAN ?yes?;? mso-spacerun: 宋體?;></SPAN></P>
<P><SPAN ?yes?;? mso-spacerun: 宋體?;>CHINFY will offer our customers product of best quality and service.welcome friends from home and broad to visit our website or to our company.</SPAN><SPAN ?yes?;? mso-spacerun: 宋體?;></SPAN></P><!--EndFragment-->




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