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玻璃瓶的物理化學(xué)指標(biāo): 耐熱急變: 耐急冷 溫差36攝氏度無爆裂 稀酸侵蝕:酸性溶液應(yīng)呈紅色 內(nèi)應(yīng)力:真實內(nèi)應(yīng)力不大于4級 耐高溫:高溫120攝氏度無爆裂 外觀質(zhì)量標(biāo)準(zhǔn): 白色、透明, 瓶口平面度小于0.6mm, 口平面與底平面平行度小于1mm ,無氣泡、不透明砂粒、裂紋、毛刺、隱性與顯性炸口! 試驗: 1:取合格成品10只 放入高壓鍋, 加熱至120攝氏度 無一只爆裂 2:取合格成品數(shù)只 加熱至一定的溫度 在溫差下 急速冷卻 無一只爆裂 3:取合格成品數(shù)只 手感:無劃手感覺 內(nèi)緣無毛刺 螺紋平滑 目測:表面光滑 晶瑩透亮 無隱性和顯性炸口! Physical and chemical indicators of glass: heat-resistant CML: Jinai quench temperature of 36 degrees Celsius without bursting acid erosion: the acidic solution should be red with stress: a true internal stress is not more than 4 high temperature: high temperature of 120 degrees Celsius without bursting the appearance of quality standards: white , transparent, bottle flatness of less than 0.6mm, I flat plane parallel with the end of less than 1mm, no bubbles, opaque sand, cracks, burrs, hidden and overt bombing mouth! Test: 1: check pass finished 10 Add to pressure cooker, heated to 120 degrees Celsius without a burst 2: check the number of qualified products only heated to a certain temperature under a specified temperature without a burst of rapid cooling 3: check the number of qualified products only Touch: No feeling of inner arm without visual smooth burr thread: Jingying translucent surface recessive and dominant non-fried mouth!

